GRFD Bond Committee

Bond Committee
The Bond Committee was formed at the direction of the Golder Ranch Fire District Governing Board. As such, the Bond Committee will abide by the Open Meeting Law – all meetings will be posted with a date, time, location and agenda of items that will be discussed and will be open to the public. The purpose of the Bond Committee is to evaluate capital improvement needs of the District and to provide a final recommendation to the Governing Board regarding the size and scope of the upcoming General Obligation bond.
There are eight members on the Bond Committee. All committee members that were selected live within the Golder Ranch Fire District boundaries. They were chosen based upon their expertise, experience and involvement within the community. Committee Members include: Bruce Baca, Bill Einecker, Tim Fudge, John Klippstein, Lisa Lehman, Lee Mayes, Barbara McClure and Erinn Oller.